Wednesday, September 17, 2008

it's the small things...

Odessa has been busy, which, in turn, makes me busy. My days, right now, consist of diverting her away from sharp corners, pulling dust bunnies out of her mouth, trying to keep her safe from Finnegan, helping her to stand on her own, and comforting her when she falls. This constant bustle can be draining and tiring. Anyone with a young child, I'm sure would agree. But, watching them discover new things and seeing just how excited they can become over something you may have never noticed is... wonderful. This busy little bee I have been chasing after has, somehow, made me slow down and see things that I wouldn't usually have paid any attention too. The way she can sit outside and just enjoy the grass makes me want to do the same. Last night, while we were out for a walk, every single dog that walked by made her squeal with delight, and every time Finnegan walks by she claps her hands, as if she has never seen him before. Closely studying fallen leaves is one of her favorite things to do and, earlier today, she waved at a flower...

1 comment:

Maria Jordan MacKeigan said...

Oh my gosh Alex, this is so about amazing times huh? I love every moment!!! We are so blessed!